September 25, 2008

College is....

a re-evaluation and appreciation of values....

As a sort of "rule" in my family have to drink at least one glass of milk a day. When I got to college I took one look at the milk "machine" and decided it wasn't exactly important to me. In a way it was freeing. I had tons of options every meal for what I wanted to eat and drink. But I have to admit, although I probably won't drink a glass of milk EVERYDAY, there's something there. Eating healthy and having good habits is a great thing! Well obviously, right!!!!! But sometimes I guess you have to figure these things out on your own.

So here's a shout-out to Mom and Dad for the childhood! ; )


WICK said...

I don't think I ate a vegetable during all 4 years. Unless I was visiting someone's house, and wanted to be polite.

Bethany said...

That's crazy!!! I love vegetables!