February 8, 2008

Ear Infection

So after being sick earlier this week, today an ear infection hit me, full on. It hurts soooooooo bad and it keeps getting worse as the day goes on.

I just think it's interesting. Everything coming in my left ear is muffled. When there are lots of things going on, it's really hard to focus on one specific sound. I can be having a conversation with someone. I can look strait at them and know they are talking, hear their voice, but I have no idea the words coming out of their mouth. I keep asking them to repeat again and again what they've said.
I can totally see this in my communication with God. I know He's there, right here, and he's talking. He knows all and has great plans. I can also feel Him at times, hear snippets, but I can't get the whole message. I keep crying out, "God, guide me! Show me the way!" But there's always stuff in the way, like ear infections, busy schedules. My life is so LOUD that I can't hear him.
Not until I silence the other voices, and focus on hearing only His voice, those coveted, unknown words will I get their full meaning and effect. And it's worth enduring the pain for.

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