February 15, 2008

Sick of being sick

You know when you dive into the pool, and your ear's fill with water. You feel them plug, but there's this instinct in you...you look forward to the relief of draining the water out. I love that feeling! It's just one of those simple joys in life.

Except when your sick, and your ears are plugged, your inner ears are plugged. You look for relief and the relief never comes. And then this pressure builds up, and sniffling only adds to the pressure even though your nose can't decide whether it wants to run or be stuffed...reminds you that you're human, I guess. When you expect to feel better, and only continue to feel worse.

Relief will come, eventually.......I hope.

God is good! All the time! He is good!

1 comment:

WICK said...

have you tried pouring warm water up through your nostrils, and allowing it to drain out your mouth?

it's stinkin' awesome.

even if your nose isn't the problem.