March 24, 2008

but it hurts to get outside the box....

So in my last post I was talking about getting outside the box, doing something different, unexpected. I realized that I'm afraid...all I can think of to do differently is all stuff that would be...well, wrong. I want to do something unexpected, but I really don't want to scare people away, or myself. I don't wan to hurt anyone or myself. I am a people pleaser. I want to be dependable, reliable, so I feel like I can't do anything unexpected...and that's what's putting me in a box. I had this dream last night that I was driving down a street like crazy: speeding, passing cars using the sidewalk like some car chase. I passed this cop and I didn't care. I stopped and thought to myself..what the heck am I doing? and just decided I didn't care and kept on going. That scares me a lot, I don't want to become that....I don't know what to with myself. Going with the motions I guess is just the comfortable thing to do.....ugh comfort zones!

1 comment:

WICK said...

I think Jesus enjoyed walkin' on water. At least just a little.

It wasn't a sin.