March 30, 2008


A lot of times I say and feel like I KNOW God is there and KNOW that he loves me and that He is good. I KNOW all of that, but I don't feel it! And now I've been realizing how much I don't just say that, but act it out, myself! I KNOW that I should spend time with Him, I KNOW that He is there and it is I that must open the door, call out to Him, take a step, draw closer. I keep saying that I'll have time later. I've been procrastinating! I HATE that! I don't procrastinate. I work on everything else, yet I wait and put aside the most important part of life. The only REAL thing in the scheme of things. Even though I KNOW it won't matter after this life whether I got my paper done a week early and it WILL matter that I spent some time with God in worship and service, I still put the latter off for later. I WANT to, but I don't. I like the idea, but I don't follow through. I really need help with that. I hate that I've become just a talker. I've become one of my biggest pet peeves: apathetic!

1 comment:

WICK said...

what would be a spiritual "pinch in the arm"?